Radiation Frisking Contamination Monitor – FCM-02 – VF

FCM-02 memungkinkan para pekerja untuk memonitor pakaian, alat-alat, dan bagian tubuh dari kontaminasi
radiasi Alpha, Beta, dan Gamma.

Informasi Tambahan



Pengaturan Mudah, pengoperasian intuitif
Smart Probe yang dapat menyimpan data kalibrasi
Perawatan mudah (Easy Maintenance)
Digital LCD Touchscreen
Pengukuran lengkap radiasi Alpha, Beta, dan Gamma


Display : LCD touchscreen
Probe interface : RS-485
Service interface : Ethernet, USB
Power : (95 – 240) V, (48 – 62) Hz
Consumption : App. 30 VA
Dimension w/o probe : 400 x 270 x 160mm
(W x H x D) : 16 x 11 x 6,5 inch
Weight : 8 kg / 17,5lbs
Operating temperature : 5 to 35 °C
Range : 41 to 95 °F


The type of detected ionizing radiation depends on the probe used. The standard smart probes
for the FCM-02 are :
SFP-100A – measurement of alpha in one channel
SFP-100B – measurement of alpha and beta in one channel
FP-100C – measurement of alpha/beta in two channels
SFP-100D – measurement of alpha, beta and gamma in one channel
SFP-100E – measurement of alpha / beta and gamma in two channels


Model     Description
K1116-01         Frisker Contamination Monitor FCM-02
K1116-xx         All parameters and the range of delivery will be specified according to the customer's
          requirement. The connection to the probe, mains power supply etc. can be customized.
K0935-01         Smart Frisking Probe SFP-100A
K0919-02         Smart Frisking Probe SFP-100B
K0936-01         Smart Frisking Probe SFP-100C
K0937-02         Smart Frisking Probe SFP-100D
K0938-01         Smart Frisking Probe SFP-100E


Supplied with
• Hard Carrying Case
• Petunjuk penggunaan dalam bahasa Indonesia
• Kartu Garansi